One thing that I have gained from this website is that children
who are poor today will be poor parents in the future. I knew that we do
whatever it is that our parents do but I figured that today in age children who
are poor see that their parents struggled so they would want to do better. I say
this because there are plenty of people who are poor and parents were poor but
they decided better themselves so that could be better than their parents
instead of being just like them.
Another thing that I have gained about this website is that
malnutrition is the cause of poverty. Since poverty is the cause of
malnutrition children get affected by it in more ways than one. One way that
children get affected is through development which can lead to life-long
difficulties and poor health.
The last thing about this website I have gained is that it is the
CHIP programme to help others with gaining knowledge about the poverty that is
going on in childhoods. Not only is this website helping others gain the knowledge
of childhood poverty internationally but it is also there to help gain it in
other countries that they are partnered with to help fill in the gaps of