What are some of the current international research topics?
What surprising
facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this
international early childhood website?
The surprising facts/insights/
new ideas about early childhood I gained from exploring this international
early childhood website is Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and
Development. “Nyerere (1998) reported that cultural norms that affect fathers’
participation in
childcare practices could affect
development and the general well-being of children,
including the quality of family
life. The objective of this study is to investigate the
current roles of fathers and
explore ways to increase the involvement of fathers and other
males in childcare.” (Hua, 2004
p.1). This is an insight that I think is amazing because men are not involved
in most of the time when it comes to childcare. Men are not a major part
because bringing children to childcare program women are the ones who are
normally dealing with the children on a day to day basis. I would like to know
more about how this will affect children. I think that involving men would give
them more insight as to what women deal with on a day to day basis with the
R. (2004). Involving fathers in early childhood care and development. Retrievd
from http://www.ecdvu.org/ssa/documents/major_projects/Hua%20-%20MP%20Final%20-%20UVic%20LP.pdf