After taking the assessments that were given for this week
the two people that I got to evaluate me was my twin sister Myisha and my best
friend Natasha. During the assessment I was not so surprised how both of them perceived me because the way I
perceived myself was the way they did as well. I know that for a fact I am not
as great of a communicator as I would like to be. One reason that I am not as
great of a communicator that I would like to be is because I take a very long
time to get my point across sometimes. I always make a short story long and I lack
in self confidence in some areas of communication. One being job interviews and
another is talking in big groups. Natasha and Myisha tells me this all the time
and I think that it is because they want me to gain those things and believe that
I can make a long story short, do great in groups, and go into an interview being
confident but not overly confident. As far as my verbal aggressiveness goes I
tend to not say much to others around me when I need to.
One thing that I have learned during this week is that I
need to make sure I get my point across when talking to others and be confident
when doing so. Another thing that I have learned is that no matter what I need
to make sure I understand that practices
makes perfect and I just need to effectively communicate with others and in
certain situations. I think that when it comes to being verbally aggressive I
always think about others before I say anything even if I am right and they are
wrong in whatever situation it may be. I think it’s just because I don’t like confrontation.
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