Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

One positive example of the effects of research on children and/ or families is that research can save the lives of other children. For example, cures for various diseases can help families who are facing the disease get cured. Another example is that some family and children who go through research can help with many different experiments not just those dealing with diseases. Another example is how children are used when it comes to how they interact with other children and how children perceive different things such as when they are in the preoperational stage.  From my personal I watched my little sister and brother say that one of them had more drink in their cup then the other one because one glass was tall and the other glass was short but in actuality the cups held the same amount of liquid in them. At the age that they were at the time they did not know the difference between  the two different cups because their mind did not understand just yet on how to perceive the two glasses.


  1. Hi Kyisha,
    Yes, research can save many lives. Researchers who take time to research different cases that involved sickness, diseases and other illness can give families and children positive results at the end. Great Posting!!

  2. It is very interesting how children preceive things just from the glasses being different. It jut goes to show how a child's preception is at different ages.
