Sunday, May 19, 2013

Your Personal Research Journey

During my simulation the topic that I chose last week to know more about was do’s and don’ts in the early childhood field. The subtopics that I want to know more about in early childhood programs are what to do when children are misbehaving, what to do when children have separation anxiety, and what to do when children don’t understand what is being said to them as far as how to discipline them. I choose these topics because I work with a lot of children and I know that I can’t discipline them the way that their parents discipline them. The other subtopic that I chose was what to do when children have separation anxiety because sometimes there are children who cry a lot after being away from their parents or other guardians. My topics are pretty broad so I would like to know if any one of my colleagues can help me narrow my topics a bit. I am not sure what other topics I could talk about to narrow my topics down a bit. 


  1. I think that I like the topic on separation anxiety. This is a great topic because so many children and adults suffer with it. Maybe you can research online to help you narrow your topic.

  2. You have two very different directions when I read your subtopics. You go from discipline to separation anxiety. I think first you must decided if discipline is where you want to go or if separation is your chosen topic.

  3. In my opinion, Discipline would be a more difficult topic to cover. You are correct that you can not discipline the way the parents do or the way you feel it should be done. I know how I run my classroom and how the teacher in the next room runs hers are totally different. Separation anxiety is a good topic because teachers need to know how to deal with each child on an individual manner. You could go into the whos, whys, wheres and whats for causes. Hope this helps.
